Saturday, October 8, 2011

Daytime Smokey Eyes!

The weather is finally changing and I love it! I can't wait until I can pull out my sweaters and scarves out for the next couple months! Not only does the weather change, but my make up routine is altered as well! Hope you enjoy this smokey eye that is perfect for the day time! ^-^

 I applied the ELF cream eyeliner to act as a darker base so that the black eyeshadow sticks well. Only apply a little and not above the crease.
Blend with a light brown eyeshadow
 With a smokey eye, concealing the under eye area is key. I applied the elf concealer and highlighter duo.

Hope you guys enjoyed the smokey eye ^-^Apriljoy


Donna said...

keep it up with the picture tutorials i love these! really gorgeous makeup too :)

angryuterus said...

You look great!

I get migraines from makeup entering into my eyes. I don't notice it otherwise, just when I get the migraine. I've noticed I have to have waterproof mascaras and I can't use the liquid liners (which I love due to the smooth even application). Any suggestions? I'm sure the hubs would love it if I started wearing make-up again, lol. Also, I'm a pasty white girl. Any suggestions for shadows or for my lips?

Apriljoy said...

@Donnababy Thank you! :)

That's terrible that you get migraines. I've actually had a friend who got migraines from makeup and noticed that when she used makeup that was free of parabens that her headaches were practically non-existent. I know the brand Tarte (which is at Sephora and Ulta) has a lot of Paraben free products. Physician's Formula (found at drug stores) has a number of paraben free products as well! As far as make up for fair skin tones.. there's a blogger with very fair skin from the blog xsparkage. ( and she always has awesome make up! She does youtube videos too! Hope that helps! ^-^