Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hey everyone! This past week has been so intense! I had a huge lecture test in my A&P class on Wednesday and just finished my project for Nutrition a day early! So nice to have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders! Unfortunately, I have an Ortho test on Monday I have to study for! Ugh I'm really concerned about this test because the only way I've been able to study is with the videos that I've recorded on my phone. The way the test is set up is that bones will be laid out and we'll have to identify the different parts based on where the marks on the bones are. However, I'm sure seeing the videos I've recorded during the lecture and actually having the bones in front of me will be completely different. I tried to study on Thursday in the lab and I think that helped a little bit. However I'm still really nervous about this :/ Wish me luck I guess! Hope everyone else is doing well in school so far! Can't wait for Thanksgiving Break already!! 



angryuterus said...

How did your test go? I hate bones! I think the easier way to learn them is to learn what the terms mean, that way you know about where it would be located on each bone. Good luck!

Kym said...

Yes I'm a nursing student! I believe you are too :) good luck with all the school work. I can't wait for thanksgiving break either!

Apriljoy said...

I had my test today! But I think I did good on this test! I have a good feeling about it. I'll let you know how I did! :)

@Kym awh you too! I'm sure you're doing awesome in all your school work! ^-^