Friday, November 9, 2012

So much to do...So little time!

I haven't made a post in forever. Nursing school is really no joke. Ever since I started the actual program (as in actual program studies and not pre-reqs) it's been school school school. I haven't even started clinical yet! But that's only 7 weeks away! As soon as I get a little more time I'll post more school tip blogs like I usually do. But right now I just wanted to keep everyone updated and encouraged because although the nursing curriculum can be difficult, I know it will be so worth it in the end! Here's a little chart I found on nursing that I thought was cute:


Have a great day everyone and stay warm! 


Anonymous said...

good to see an update! congrats on being so close to clinicals. so do you have a nursing specialty in mind? i always think working in the NICU or mental health would be interesting. thanks for the chart!

Apriljoy said...

Sorry for the late reply! And thanks! How is school going for you?! I'm actually not exactly sure what field I even want to venture in because after seeing everything that I could get into, I feel like my options are endless! Who knows! Thanks for stopping by! :)